Thought Leadership

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Conflicting Organizational Agendas Change the Snapshot Change Perceptions

Published Articles

Facilitating Large Scale Change Through Leadership Coaching Coaching for Results: An Overview of Effective Tools Getting Their Due
Promoted Too Fast: Overcoming the Big Syndrome Who Will Lead Your Firm Into the Future


Facilitating Large-Scale Change Through Leadership Coaching: The call was a familiar one. Dave Jones* was promoted to an Executive VP position at Standard, Inc., a struggling but still viable large cap company. Dave had been with the company for 12 years and had 'grown up' there. He had done extremely well in previous positions, however, he hit a roadblock in his current role. 316KB more...

Coaching For Results: An Overview of Effective Tools: The intricacy and speed of organizational life often force a company to make large-scale changes rapidly. 305KB more...

Getting Their Due: It's never been as easy as it is today to be a female lawyer, but a few hurdles remain. 69KB more...

Promoted Too Fast: Overcoming the Big Syndrome: In his 1988 hit movie "Big," Tom Hanks portrays a 12-year old boy who asks a mechanical swami at a carnival to grant his wish to be grown up. 147KB more...

Who Will Lead Your Firm Into the Future? Billable hours, managing case loads, satisfying clients and "making rain" are the critical items that keep most managing Partners up at night. 88KB more...

Our Best White Paper 

How to Keep the People from Crashing when the System Goes Live

White Papers

A New Look at Leading Change            Appreciative Inquiry: A New Approach to Change Leadership            Beating the Odds: Success Factors for Women in the Legal Profession           


A New Look At Leading Change: With the increasing complexity and rapid change in today's global economy, leading a planned change within a large global corporation is more challenging than ever. 50KB more...

Appreciative Inquiry: A New Approach to Change Leadership: Appreciative Inquiry (AI) was first introduced by David Cooperider and Suresh Srivastva in 1987 in an academic journal. Since that time, the new approach to change has caught on with change practitioners around the world with remarkable results. Why all of the excitement and why does this approach get positive results? 39KB more...

Beating the Odds: Success Strategies for Women in the Legal Profession: Former Attorney General Janet Reno, speaking at a California Women Lawyers' dinner at the California State Bar meeting in September 2001, recalled that while at Harvard Law School in the early 1960's, the dean asked what she planned to do with her degree, as if unsure what a woman could accomplish with this credential. 250KB more...

Speaking Topics

Marcia has a number of presentations, which she can tailor to fit your audience or occasion.
Know Your Brain, Grow Your Leadership Tips For Untangling Emotionally Charged Situations Leading Effectively Through VUCA

Beating The Odds Leading Effectively Through Tough Times


Know Your Brain, Grow Your LeadershipNew findings in neuroscience provide key insight in to how people behave and offer hard scientific proof for many management and leadership theories. In this interactive session, Dr. Marcia Ruben will share some brain basics, the social drivers that trigger threats or rewards, and how to use this information to lead more effectively and empower yourself and others.

At the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Describe an amygdala hijack and strategies to avoid
  • Identify strategies likely to empower others
  • Learn brain-based tips for self-regulation when you need to be “on”

 Tips for Untangling Emotionally Charge Situations: Insights from Neuroscience and Other Research: Are you mystified by complex, emotionally charged situations within your organization? You are no doubt aware how hidden, unspoken, and emotionally charged situations can damage interpersonal relationships, team functioning, and organizational effectiveness. Drawing both from practitioner experience and recent research, including, neuroscience can facilitate an understanding and untangling of what Marcia calls LeadershipTangles™.

During this session you will learn:

  • How to discern how you and others are interpreting an emotionally charged situation
  • How to regulate your emotions, help others, and take more productive actions to diffuse the tension

 Leading Effectively through VUCA: Three Key Success Factors: How can you win the hearts and minds of your workforce while implementing major change?

Marcia shares valuable practical tips that will help you realize a return on your investment in your change initiative. She discusses, with insight and humor, the typical people issues that can derail a change effort, and suggests ways to build and monitor a plan that gets results and engages your workforce.

"Marcia is an articulate, dynamic presenter who connects easily with her audience."

~ SAP Project Lead, Occidental Chemical

Beating the Odds: Success Strategies for the Professional Woman: What separates the women professionals who reach the top of the corporate ladder from the ones who don’t?

Marcia has interviewed more than two dozen successful men and women, and tapped the wisdom of her own experience to answer that question. Looking for the causes of success, rather than the source of failure, she found specific differences in mindset, competencies, and rules of the road that contribute to success. From that research, Marcia has formulated specific strategies that women can follow to help them achieve their desired career results.

"Your presentation was engaging, well researched and received praise from everyone I talked to."

~ Kelly Francis, JD, Executive Director, On Call Counsel

Leading Effectively During Tough Times: Key Success Factors: How can you realize your power as a leader to shape your company ’s culture and results?

To effectively lead change, you must first understand your role in shaping the everyday attitudes, beliefs and values that drive employees’ performance. In this engaging talk, you’ll learn about the mindsets, skills, and strengths you need to be a successful leader during turbulent times.

"You were a hit. Thanks for making a positive impression on our members with your knowledge, skills and competent facilitation.”

~ Richard H. Rubin, President, Renaissance Executive Forum


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What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Worn To Work?