A colleague of mine, I’ll call him Aaron, is a professional dancer who has worked in a international professional dance company for five years. He and I got to talking about his work and the leadership tangles that have presented themselves. As we spoke, I realized that therewere some lessons to be learned for all leaders. Here is the first excerpt of an interview I conducted over a period of several weeks.
Leadership Skills:One on one coaching tips from a professional dancer
By Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC on Thu, Jan 16, 2014
Why You Must Start Re-thinking the Way You Communicate Today
By Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC on Mon, Mar 14, 2011
Do you realize that every time you speak to peers, direct reports, and Board members, you have the opportunity to transform your relationship? Do you know that you can align your mind, brain, and conversations to create a more productive working relationship?
How to Build a Culture of Fear in 3 Easy Steps
By Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC on Thu, Oct 15, 2009
What follows are the three surefire steps:
Leadership Communication Tips in VUCA
By Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC on Mon, Dec 01, 2008
Several years ago, I was on a cross-country flight. The pilot came on and told us that we were going to encounter some turbulence. He explained that we were going through a patch of rough air that was akin to being on top of pot of boiling water. He went on to say that he and the copilot were committed to finding calmer air space. As I recall, he explained that the bumpiness would last about 15 minutes. During that time, we could expect the ride to be quite bumpy. Having a clear picture of what was happening, why, and how long it would last certainly helped relieve the collective passenger anxiety.