Recent research suggests that what we wear impacts how we feel and how we perform. As an executive leadership coach who often works with leaders to enchance their executive presence, this is really helpful information. I often coach women leaders to observe how other senior women, who they perceive as competent and powerful, are dressing. Often the differences, i.e., in accessories, shoes, etc. are subtle, yet worth noting. I sometimes advise clients to change and/or upgrade their wardrobe. I have also advised male clients to make sure that their shoes were polished (I learned this from my grandfather who always said you could tell a lot about a man by the appearance of his shoes.) My clothing advice was based on my own experience in the corporate world and observation. Now, with the power of this research, and recent articles, I feel even more confident in strongly arguing that clothes do make the man and woman!
Leaders--Time to Dress Up So You Won't be Dressed Down?
By Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC on Tue, May 22, 2012
Executive Women Leaders--Talk Less to Gain Power?
By Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC on Wed, May 16, 2012
I was astounded to read about the results of a recent study by a Yale university professor. Apparently, women who speak more are perceived as less competent. On the other hand, men who speak more are viewed as more competent. Professor Jennifer Brescoll suggests that how much we talk has implications for how powerful others perceive us to be. The frightening thing about this study is that women may interpret the results to mean that if they talk to much, they will experience a backlash.
Leadership Wisdom for Executive Leaders—Tip #2
By Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC on Tue, Mar 29, 2011
Star leaders give willingly without a price tag attached to what they are giving. They operate from a “full cup” mentality. Their cup is full and they don’t need to take from others to fill theirs up. There is no price tag attached to their requests.
What Leaders Can Learn from Twitter, Facebook, and #Iran Election?
By Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC on Mon, Jun 22, 2009