For the past ten days, I have been glued to the media and social networking sites, especially
Twitter. I am not alone. I have been awed by the level of interest, caring, and actions taken by so many after the June 12 election. As I sat in my office, watching my computer screen, I felt empowered to take a small step, to lend my voice of support to a situation unfolding half-way around the globe. I followed
#Iran election, with thousands joining the conversation every millisecond. I
retweeted (RT) messages that provided helpful information, and posted my own thoughts. I watched as
Facebook friends joined in the discussion and became a fan of sites allegedly providing credible information. I didn’t know if I was making any difference at all, but felt I was a part of something historical, important, and much bigger than me.
What Leaders Can Learn from Twitter, Facebook, and #Iran Election?
By Marcia Ruben, PhD, PCC on Mon, Jun 22, 2009